There was a Sicilian plant on Mount Etna, the most active volcano in all of Europe. The plant was introduced to the United Kingdom around 1690 via the Oxford Botanic Garden. However, its exact route of migration remains a mystery. Since then, the plant has been wandering and mingling with the British people, whether they know it or not. This is the so-called ragwort (with its origin in ‘ragged wild plants’), commonly called a weed.
Botanical advisors:
Simon Hiscock (Director of the Oxford Botanic Garden)
Dawn Sanders (Biology educator at the University of Gothenburg)
Mark Brent (Curator of the Oxford Botanic Garden)
Simon Hiscock (Director of the Oxford Botanic Garden)
Dawn Sanders (Biology educator at the University of Gothenburg)
Mark Brent (Curator of the Oxford Botanic Garden)
A project supported by a-n The Artists Information Company, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
In loving memory of Helen Michael (1972-2021)
두산인문극장 기획전 《우리는 개처럼 밤의 깊은 어둠을 파헤칠 수 없다》 전시 전경, 두산갤러리, 서울, 2024, 사진: 양이언
DOOSAN Humanities Theater Special Exhibition You Cannot Elaborate the Dark Thickness of Night As They Can Installation view, DOOSAN Gallery, Seoul, 2024, photo by Ian Yang
DOOSAN Humanities Theater Special Exhibition You Cannot Elaborate the Dark Thickness of Night As They Can Installation view, DOOSAN Gallery, Seoul, 2024, photo by Ian Yang